
A Biodegradable Iphone Case

Yes that is what I said.  It’s an Iphone case and it’s biodegradable.

I am a klutz and dropped my old Iphone case.  The case was nothing exciting, frankly just one off the Verizon store shelf when I bought the phone.  When I dropped it the first time it cracked.  I’m not sure if it was the second, third or fourth time I dropped it that we were really past the point of no return.  For the last week or two I was using only the back half of the case hoping to protect at least part of the phone.

So I went shopping online to see what I could find.  I have been challenging myself to find greener ways to do things more and more lately so why not here.  A friend of ours has a solar powered case that I thought was awesome for the beach but I couldn’t find one I liked.  So I searched for “eco-friendly iphone cases” on The Google to see what I would get.

So here is my new Iphone case from Innovez.


And back


So it looks like regular plastic but it is made from what they call EcoPure.  It is clear and supposed to be durable (good for klutzes) while also being biodegradable.   They say it has an infinite shelf life until “placed in an active microbial environment” and while I’m not sure exactly what they mean I am guessing you are good unless you throw it into the composter. The recycle symbol on the back is made from recycled aluminum and is a nice touch.

Check out their website for the info:

I have had it about 6 hours so I have no kind of review except that it looks cool and is not bulky.  I, of course, bought the loud and obnoxious green color but they have other more subdued colors.  I figured it may be easier to locate in the bottom of my purse if it were neon.

p.s. I have not been paid as a sponsor for this product.  In fact other than the order I submitted, they have no idea who I am.

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